Age Verification - How it works to protect your contents & customers
Summer Nguyen | 03-17-2025

Being able to access the online world is a right for everyone, but it is not right that all who are online can access everything available. Retailers who sell alcohol, e-cigarettes, knives and other items that would be age-restricted offline are pushing to safeguard these purchases online in such a way that maintains a frictionless, privacy-preserving user experience. Producers of adult content are being asked to do the same. At the other end of the Age Verification scale, young person chat rooms are working to create a safer online environment by keeping older, age-inappropriate users, out.
What is Age Verification?
An age verification system, also known as age restriction, is a technical protection method used to restrict access to digital information to those that are not suitably-aged. These systems are mainly used to limit access to content classified (either voluntarily or by local laws) as being inappropriate for users under a specific age, such as alcohol and tobacco advertising, internet pornography or other forms of adult-oriented content, video games with objectionable content, or to remain in compliance with online privacy laws that regulate the collection of personal information from children.
How Age Verification protects your contents & customers?
Locate the content to the appropriate customer groups
Against fraud
Some customers abuse the age advantage to give the wrong information to get the benefit. Age Verification is integrated to prevent e-stores frauds. For example, some adults pretend to be children to get the discount of an
Identity theft
Age verification supports partly in preventing uncontrollable access, which can face the risk of identity theft. For some websites, asking visitors to give their personal information not only helps online stores get more lead but also is a way to check the customer identity, which is extremely important to some securitized websites such as those of government.
Obey the legal responsibility
Any business in the world has to comply with the law of its industry which are controlled and supervised by the government. For some sectors has been listed following, age verification is compulsory:
- Alcohol/ Tobacco companies
- Adult-only content
- Lottery industries
- Gaming industries
- Financial institutions
It is regulated that sensitive industries such as gaming, lottery requires age verification of customers. This is necessary to prevent from dealing with legality.
Protect children from accessing unsuitable sites
Gaming, retail and the adult entertainment sector all must verify that every customer is legally allowed to do business with them. Social media and the emergence of user-generated content on the web has created fears about who and what children are accessing online. It’s a hot topic – and parents, regulators and site operators all share a responsibility to make the web a safe place for our children.
Enhance Your Business’ Reputation By protecting the privacy and rights of children, you’ will clearly demonstrate that your business cares about socially responsible corporate practices.
The superlative functions that Age Verification brings about
Support Age verification on specific pages
Choose the pages to apply Age Verification request
Age Verification can be applied for various pages covering all customers’ shopping journey. Generally, these are the typical pages:
- CMS Pages
- Category Pages
- Product Detail Pages
- Checkout Cart Page,
- Checkout One page
- Catalog Search Page
Include/Exclude custom pages
This optimal module supports custom pages, means that admins can set the Age Verification on anywhere they want just by entering URLs. In details, if a URL is set to be included, it means that the age verification is required at that page. In other respects, the URL which is set to be excluded can be accessed freely without age verification.
Apply Age verification for a purchase
One interesting function of this module is that age verification also can be applied when customers make purchases with certain products.
Furthermore, when customers visit the Product Detail Page of an item, there will be a notice to inform customers to purchase ages if they want to buy this item. Consequently, when customers click on Add to Cart button, the popup of age verification will pop-out and require customers to add their age information.
DOB auto-verification
In order to save time for visitors and avoid repeated age verification request for the same customers, the age information from customer account can be stored at the system and used as the data for this verification.
In other words, customers who registered accounts with Date of Birth will be accepted or restricted to specific pages without age verification step. This function helps logged-in customers with age permission can go ahead with their page view automatically, easily and quickly.
Flexibly customize popup
Shoppers can be notified quickly via the age verification pop-up. The pop-up template can be customized with ease with the following details as below:
- Verify type: Yes/ No, Input DOB or Checkbox
- Uploading any images as verification icon
- Title and description of the pop-up
- Confirm and Cancel button labels
This flexibility in pop-up design helps store owners can create the notification sign vividly and suitably in both content and image.
Full Features List
- Enable/Disable the module
- Insert verification age
- Show/Hide Terms and Conditions
- Set the days number for cookies storing
- Select customer groups
- Set automatic age verification with DOB
- Set redirect URL when the access is restricted
Page Verification
- Select default pages to apply age verification
- Select CMS pages to apply age verification
- Select Category pages to apply age verification
- Set conditions to apply for Product Detail Pages
- Set include and exclude custom pages
Purchase Verification
- Set conditions to apply age verification when adding to cart
- Set notice message
- Select Verification Type
- Upload icon for the verification pop-up
- Upload title for the verification pop-up
- Upload description for the verification pop-up
- Set label for age confirmation
- Set label when canceling the pop-up
Final Words
Age verification provides your organization with a way to quickly and effectively confirm a person’s date of birth. This verification check can be seamlessly integrated into your e-commerce platform, application process, or customer database management systems.