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How to Connect Shopify to Instagram in 3 Methods

Understanding Instagram Shopping offers a transformative approach for businesses to showcase and sell products directly on Instagram. So how to connect Shopify to Instagram?

Through the integration of Instagram Shopping with Shopify, companies can boost customer engagement, and simplify the shopping experience. It ensures shoppers can discover and purchase business products from Instagram’s massive online platform. This blog will please you by cutting the lines to the main parts of Instagram Shopping, connecting it with Shopify, and profiting from these derivatives for eCommerce promotion at its best.

Understanding Instagram shopping 

One useful tool for showcasing and selling your items on Instagram is Instagram Shopping. It includes several features designed to make purchasing on Instagram simple. The option to precisely tag your merchandise in articles, videos, tales, and advertisements that you frequently upload is one of these solutions.

Potential buyers can easily explore and purchase your items from your Instagram shop, which functions as an aesthetically pleasing mini-store.

Viewers of the image can click on the goods that are marked to get additional information. This directs users to the retailer’s Instagram account for that item.

If they’re interested, that step directs them to Instagram to finish the purchase. Furthermore, this service’s exclusivity in the US lies in the fact that US residents are now the only ones who may utilize it. Additionally, product shoppers from outside of the US will need to select “view on website” while viewing the Instagram store.

Examples of Shopify's integration with Instagram

Why should eCommerce businesses integrate Instagram with Shopify?

Integrating Shopify with Instagram offers significant advantages for eCommerce businesses aiming to enhance online engagement and sales:

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Using Instagram’s visual structure allows the shopping process to be more entertaining, with products being presented in the most impactful manner.
  • Streamlined Shopping Journey: The convenience of users also increases with direct links to products and in-app payment features making the way from discovery to the purchase as easy as possible.
  • Increased Reach and Discovery: Instagram, with its incredible user base, is a tool that enables a brand to extend its exposure and increase traffic to your shop.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: The effortless flow of commerce with fewer obstacles probably and highly probably will pave the way for the conversion of sales.
  • Targeted Marketing: Lean on Instagram’s advanced targeting functionalities for demographic specificity, which is key to the ad performance in the campaign.
  • Unified Brand Experience: Make sure to have consistent messaging and look at every platform so that each of them strengthens your brand identity and builds customer relations.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Instagram offers cheap marketing solutions affording almost certain profits with the ability to reach huge audiences and evoke engagement among them.

To successfully link your Shopify store to Instagram and unlock Instagram Shopping, ensure you meet the following conditions:

  • Instagram Business Account: Use your personal Instagram account as your business account. Don’t forget to link the Instagram account to a Facebook page.
  • Supported Location: Remember that localization is the key and you need to be located within one of the countries where Instagram allows shopping.
  • Policy Compliance: Follow Instagram’s merchant agreement and commerce policy procedures; you are sure you do not violate any prohibited content herein.
  • Product Catalog: Connect your product catalog with Facebook Business Manager, and join it to promo items in your Instagram business profile.
  • Shopify Subscription: The choice for you to upgrade to one of the paid plans offered by Shopify.
  • Domain Ownership: Build trust by assuring the ownership of domains technically linked to the Shopify store.
  • Quality Content: Dedicate your time and efforts to produce high-quality content and post frequently, so that Instagram will grant you a pass on the review process.
  • Website Details: Have product descriptions clear, pricing, and ways of delivery and returns on your website.
Conditions to link Shopify to Instagram

How to Connect Shopify to Instagram in 3 Methods

Almost for sure, you have, and the existence of Instagram is an inseparable part of your marketing strategy and communicating with customers. Luckily, doing that is a piece of cake because you can put your Instagram link in the footer of your Shopify website to help visitors keep close contact with anyone on Instagram. This is how you do it:

Step 1: From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes > Customize.


Step 2: Choose Theme options > Social media from the menu on the left. This will display the social media settings, where you may add links to different social media networks.

Choose Theme options

Step 3: Look for the Instagram area, then type in your Instagram URL there. By doing this, you’ll be able to include an Instagram symbol in your footer that users may click to reach your Instagram page.

Step 4: Click Save to finalize changes.

Method 2: Create an Instagram store using product data from Shopify

Instagram shopping data can not be synced to Shopify by default. It is not a built-in feature of Shopify.

Therefore, a Shopify app is the solution if you don’t know how to link Shopify items to Instagram. Shopify by default suggests using the Facebook & Instagram app that Meta created.

Step 1: Navigate to the Sales channel from the sidebar menu on your Shopify admin dashboard. Then, search Facebook & Instagram and choose the app.

search Facebook & Instagram

Step 2: To install the app on your Shopify store, click Add app.

click Add app

Step 3: To confirm, click Add sales channel.

Step 4: Then, you will have to provide the relevant details, such as your Facebook account, your business assets, your checkout method, the data sharing policy, and the terms and conditions. 

Step 5: Click Products > Check the items you wish to post to your Instagram account from your admin dashboard. Go to Bulk Edit and click.

Step 6: Tap the Facebook & Instagram check box under Column > Tick.

Step 7: You can now automatically sync your Shopify product data to Instagram Shopping by clicking Save. 

You must have both an Instagram Business account and a Shopify store to link Shopify to Instagram.

Step 1: Visit Shopify’s website to create an account. 

Sign up at the Shopify site to start your account. Once you have decided on a layout, you need to establish your shop by submitting the company details and choosing an icon.

Sign up

Through the creation of product pages and having pictures, descriptions, and prices included on them, these items, too, can be added to the online store.

Step 2: Create an Instagram Business account

Install the Instagram app, then create a profile. If you currently use Instagram for personal use, you may convert it to a business account by visiting your profile, hitting the three dots in the upper right corner, and choosing Settings > Account > Convert to Business Account.

Each business must submit information regarding the company that should include the website address, the contact details as well as the type of business.

Step 3: Connect your Instagram account to your Facebook page

For your Instagram shop to function, you must link it to your Facebook page.

  • Open your Facebook account and log in.
  • In the page’s upper right corner, click on the drop-down arrow.
  • To access the settings, click on “Settings.”
  • In the left-hand menu, click on “Instagram.”
  • Click on “Connect Account”

Step 4: Set up a Facebook shop

You must have a Facebook Shop set up to connect Shopify to your Instagram Business account. You may now tag goods in your Instagram stories and posts.

  • Open your Facebook account and log in.
  • In the page’s upper right corner, click on the drop-down arrow.
  • To create a page, click on it.
  • To open a store, select “Meta Business Suite.” 
  • Go to “Commerce Business Manager” and select the “Create a Shop” section to add a Facebook business.
add a Facebook business

Step 5: Link your Instagram Business account to Shopify

Similar to steps 3 and 4 in Method 2. Up to 48 hours may pass before the Facebook business page on Shopify is approved. After the connection, Shopify will allow you to control your Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Step 6: Enable Instagram Shopping

  • Navigate to your Instagram account and click the three dots located in the upper right corner.
  • Select Preferences > Business > Purchasing. Your Instagram account could still be pending permission to utilize the Instagram Shopping function if you don’t see the Shopping option.

Await Instagram’s account inspection and approval before tagging products. You can continue to produce and post on Instagram over the few days that this procedure may take. You may tag your Shopify items in your Instagram photos after your product tagging is authorized.

How to increase sales using Shopify’s Instagram integration

To effectively increase sales using Shopify’s Instagram integration, consider the following strategies:

  • Convert to Business Profile: To have maximum access to all features, make sure you are using Instagram as a business profile.
  • Utilize Product Tags: Always add products to your Instagram posts and stories while providing links to your Shopify shop to track sales.
  • Create Shoppable Content: Design Instagram posts that present your products and make a shopping decision easy for the followers.
  • Run Targeted Ads: Jump to Instagram Shopping Ads to get more viewers, specific or general, which will grant you more noticeability and probable sales.
  • Promote Exclusive Deals: If you want to encourage Instagram followers, give generous discounts only to Instagram users who will make a purchase.
  • Engage Actively with Followers: Engagement is increased by taking the time to communicate in the comments, and through using influencers to create further exposure.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Be aware that your Shopify store must provide an untroubled mobile shopping experience for most Instagram users who come to your platform via their mobile phones.
  • Use Live Features: Use live Instagram and IGTV for product demonstrations and facts or to show step-by-step detailed information about a product.
Use Live Features

Examples of Shopify’s integration with Instagram

MVMT Watches effectively utilized the Shopify Instagram integration to harness the visual appeal of their stylish watches, translating visual content directly into sales. This strategy was particularly effective given Instagram’s role as a major discovery platform for lifestyle and fashion products. Tapping a product into Instagram posts and stories has brought users to the smartphone app of Shopify at once and as such time spent in the store has been reduced. This tunneling of these shoppable posts means 30% more visitors than before on top of a 60% year-over-year revenue growth.

Plus, their Instagram account experienced an unexpected gigantic increase in follower engagement, and the rate of interaction with followers doubled which resulted in an even further increase in online sales. This tactical linking of Instagram marketing with a simple eCommerce platform reassures how deep engagement with social media and user-friendly shopping software can generate really big results for the business ultimately ensuring both sales and brand visibility.


When Shopify is integrated with Instagram, it will revolutionize how companies interact with their target market and make it more simpler for customers to purchase things from the shelves to the register. This incredible combination of elements not only significantly increases business awareness but also fosters the growth of a large, inquisitive, and engaged Instagram community. These services include presenting well-made content, executing shoppable and targeted advertisements, and tagging products in postings. One of those success stories that demonstrates how such a comprehensive strategy can lead to incredible success and a strengthened web presence is MVMT Watches.

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A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.
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