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Shopify Email Marketing Handbook for Online Store Owners

Shopify Email is a bright star for e-commerce merchants, directly merging email marketing and Shopify. Intended to develop the connection between merchants and customers, this toolset is here to simplify email-writing, editing, and managing in a few clicks! From leveraging customizable templates to harnessing scalable automations, Shopify Email simplifies the path to engaging campaigns. 

This post unveils the prowess of Shopify Email, exploring its integral features, the variety of campaigns it can power, and five crucial strategies to optimize your email marketing endeavors. Embark on this journey to unlock the full potential of email marketing within your Shopify store.

What is Shopify Email?

Shopify email is email marketing designed specifically for online sales. The same platform you use to administer your business may also be used to develop, send, and oversee your email marketing. Start with pre-made email templates, easily scalable custom automations, and campaign management. You can also set up email automations with a few clicks and receive your first 10,000 emails for free each month.

Shopify Email

10,000 complimentary emails are available to all merchants with Basic Shopify, Advanced Shopify, and Shopify Plus accounts at the start of each month. The following formulas are used to determine email cost:

  • Each message sent by email activity is counted as long as a given email is connected to it, even if numerous people receive the message. Rather than broadcasting one promotional email to 800 subscribers resulting in 800 emails total, it is necessary to send it to each senator separately.
  • All emails that are being utilized will be transferred to the following month or the orator not utilized would be lost.
  • Besides the 10,000 free emails, and after the first 10,000, you can keep sending emails up to the maximum of 300,000 emails, and you will pay $1 dollar for each every 1,000 extra emails.
  • Shopify Email only bills the emails you’re sending, and it is offered on the Basic, Advanced, and Shopify Plus plans.

Best Shopify Email features

Here are some of the best features of Shopify Email that can help you enhance your marketing efforts and maintain strong relationships with your customers:

  • Seamless Integration: Shopify Email has a data sync function that provides direct access to the customer’s information, product information, and branding assets.
  • Customizable Templates: Shopify Email has a set of responsive email templates that are specifically designed to present well no matter which device has been used. 
  • Targeted Segmentation: With the help of Shopify Email it is possible to divide the audience by their shopping behavior, order history and other criteria.
  • Automated Campaigns: Set up automated email campaigns for occasions like welcome emails for new subscribers, birthday greetings, order confirmations, and abandoned cart reminders.
  • Performance Tracking: Shopify Email offers detailed analytics of email campaigns performance in terms of open rates, click-through rates and sales generated from these.
Shopify Email features

How to Create an Email Marketing Campaign in Shopify?

Create, send, and monitor email marketing campaigns directly from Shopify using Shopify Email.

Step 1: Creating and importing email lists

Before beginning to construct email campaigns, the first step in setting up email marketing on Shopify is to import your email lists.

Go into your Shopify account, sync your contacts with your Shopify store, and import your email list. Navigate to the “Customers” menu item.

Navigate to the Customers menu item

Either manually add a client by filling up their details, or import all of your customers by uploading a CSV file.

Step 2: Making email marketing segments

By keeping your clients’ distinct attributes in mind, you can target them with individualized, relevant Shopify automated emails by segmenting your customer base. Customers respond better to personalized emails, and happy customers are more likely to convert.

Click “Segments” beneath the “Customers” option to start creating segments.

Click Segments

There are two methods for starting a new segment: selecting a template or applying filters. You can add fields and change the values based on how you divide up your customer base by using the template.

Step 3: You may start an email marketing campaign straight from Shopify Email by logging into your Shopify admin. Navigate to the Marketing menu and select > Create campaign.

Create campaign

Step 4: Select Shopify Email.

Select Shopify Email

To set up email marketing on Shopify, you’ll need:

  • A plan and a current Shopify account. In Shopify, an email campaign cannot be sent without a payment plan.
  • On your account, the Shopify Email app is installed.

Step 5: Selecting the email marketing template for Shopify

Selecting the email marketing template for Shopify

You can select a template in this phase according to the kind of marketing emails you wish to send. 

Step 6: Test and send Shopify email marketing campaign

You must test the email before distributing the Shopify marketing emails.

If you would like to receive the test email, enter your email address. You can send your Shopify marketing emails if everything looks as you had expected.

Types of Shopify Email Marketing Campaigns

Customers engage with Shopify Email Marketing depending on where they are on their journey with your brand. Different formats can be used for each stage to achieve this. Here are some common types of email marketing campaigns you can run on Shopify:

Welcome Emails

  • Purpose: To make a first impression to new subscribers and new clients and introduce them to your brand.
  • Content Ideas: Welcome message, brand story summary, offers for renewed clients, product catalog briefing are sample subjects for the content of welcome mails.

Promotional Emails

  • Purpose: To promote sales, special offers, new product launches, or events.
  • Content Ideas: Discounts for a limited period, offers for email subscriber exclusives, new product bases and evites to store occasions or events of selling.
Promotional Emails

Abandoned Cart Emails

  • Purpose: To remind consumers that they added something to their cart but it’s not finished yet.
  • Content Ideas: The customer will recall the products, there will be a chance to respond to the problems that may arise, or a limited-time discount that will spur an immediate purchase.

Order Confirmation and Post-Purchase Emails

  • Purpose: To confirm an order and provide post-purchase reassurance and information.
  • Content Ideas: Order summary, expected delivery time, customer service contact information, and suggestions for related products.

Re-engagement Emails

  • Purpose: Another reason why you need to do email marketing is to re-engage your inactive customers or the ones who have not been interacting with your brand by either buying from you or doing any form of business with you.
  • Content Ideas: “We miss you” messages, information about what is new since they last visited, or special “welcome back” offers. Or, you could even send a survey to learn why they’re not visiting anymore.
Re-engagement Emails

Educational Content

  • Purpose: To provide value to your subscribers beyond just selling products.
  • Content Ideas:  If necessary – instruction manuals, recommendations for use of products, information about industry news and customer stories or reviews.

Loyalty and Reward Emails

  • Purpose: To reward loyal customers and encourage continued engagement.
  • Content Ideas: Loyalty program details, points balance updates, exclusive rewards or early access to sales for VIP customers.

Birthday or Anniversary Emails

  • Purpose: To celebrate the birthdays of customers or the first purchase of ours, which occurred three months ago.
  • Content Ideas: Some ideas, like sending a personalized birthday greeting, having an exclusive birthday discount code or a free gift with next purchase.

Seasonal Campaigns

  • Purpose: Seasonal shopping periods and physical events kindle our customers’ purchases.
  • Content Ideas: Seasonal products range from collections and holiday gift guides to last-minute deals for the shoppers or special holiday-themed content.

Feedback and Survey Emails

  • Purpose: Collect feedback on shopping experiences or particular products, both at store level or product level.
  • Content Ideas: An ad for a product review or a product satisfaction survey, or an invitation to participate in a feedback session with a special gift.

5 Pointers for an Effective Shopify Email Marketing Campaign

These are some email marketing tactics from the professionals who created these products. Whether they are brand-new subscribers or have been devoted customers for years, make sure you’re providing the greatest experience possible for each and every one of your email subscribers.

Carefully create your email list

Carefully crafting your email list is pivotal for effective email marketing, particularly for Shopify store owners. Here’s how to ensure your list is both high-quality and compliant:

  • Offer Value: Entice sign-ups with clear incentives like discounts, exclusive content, or early access to sales. This attracts engaged subscribers who are genuinely interested in your products and services.
  • Diverse Channels: Utilize various platforms for sign-up opportunities, including your website via pop-ups or embedded forms, social media channels, and during the checkout process, making it easy and convenient for potential subscribers.
  • Simplicity and Transparency: Keep the sign-up process straightforward, often requiring just an email address to start. Be clear about what subscribers can expect in terms of content and frequency, fostering trust and transparency.
  • Compliance: Adhere to regulations such as GDPR by ensuring subscribers give explicit consent to receive emails, and always include an easy unsubscribe option to maintain trust and respect for subscriber preferences.
  • List Hygiene: Regularly cleanse your list by removing inactive subscribers to maintain engagement rates. Consider a re-engagement campaign before removal to reconnect with lapsed subscribers.
Carefully create your email list

A good subject line is crucial

Start with the appropriate subject line to add something special and personalize emails with your branded content.

  • Use your imagination. Captivate readers with your writing from the subject line all the way to the checkout of your store with only one powerful statement. This could result in consistent revenue for your company.
  • Don’t write too much. There are character restrictions on subject lines, so be careful. Create a concise subject for your email by condensing your main point into one sentence.
  • Don’t forget to include time references. Add dates to the calendar, such as the days of your sales occasions. This ensures that, even if they don’t read the full email, your subscribers and clients are informed about key deadlines. 
  • Be creative. Never use someone else’s email subject line as your own. Differentiating oneself from the competition requires coming up with fresh ideas for brand promotion or discount advertising.
  • Apply a CTA. Increased email opens by hinting at what’s inside. Use CTAs like Redeem Today or Receive Your Discount Now, for instance, if you’re giving a discount.

Design visually appealing email templates

It’s crucial to take into account both the final product’s appearance and the value it provides to your store’s patrons and email subscribers when designing email templates.

  • Edit layout: To make your email interesting and engaging, switch up the written content and photos you provide rather than sending long paragraphs of text.
  • Brand Consistency: Ensure your email templates reflect your brand’s visual identity. Use your brand’s color scheme, logo, and typography consistently across all emails. 
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your templates look great and function well on all screen sizes, from desktops to smartphones, to improve readability and user experience.
  • Balance Between Text and Visuals: Find the right balance between text and images. Use high-quality images that complement your message and include alt text for accessibility.
  • Simplicity and White Space: Use white space effectively to separate different sections of your email, making it easier for subscribers to digest the information and reducing visual fatigue.
  • Include a button for express checkout: Make your website interactive so that users can quickly move from email to shopping with just a few clicks.
Design visually appealing email templates

Shape and segment your audience

Sending emails to everyone on your list makes sense when you have a small number of subscribers, but as you grow, especially beyond 100, you’ll likely notice higher open rates, click-through rates, and sales if you tailor your emails to a select group of people.

With the consumer data you already have, you can use Shopify to generate dozens of categories that include what, when, and where people buy. Start with segments that are already templated, add filters to make them uniquely yours, and send out emails to your customers with various offers. 

This may be offering early access to your annual sale to your VIP clients or enticing those who haven’t made their first purchase to take advantage of a tempting discount offer.

Automate your email marketing campaigns

One of the most effective things you can do for your company is to automate your email marketing. Your automations will operate in the background for you and appear for each consumer at precisely the right time once they are configured.

You can create your own flow or modify any of the provided templates to send the precise email you want, to the precise customer you want, at the convenient time for all parties.


Shopify Email revolutionizes email marketing for online merchants by offering seamless integration, customizable templates, and easy automation directly within the Shopify platform. With features like targeted segmentation and performance tracking, it empowers store owners to craft personalized, engaging campaigns that resonate with their audience. 

This guide has walked you through the types of campaigns to consider, from welcome emails to promotional blasts, and provided top strategies for list building, crafting compelling subject lines, designing attractive emails, segmenting your audience, and automating campaigns for efficiency. Embrace these insights to elevate your Shopify email marketing and drive meaningful engagement and sales.

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A data-driven marketing leader with over 10 years of experience in the ecommerce industry. Summer leverages her deep understanding of customer behavior and market trends to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and ultimately, sales growth for our company.
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