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6 Steps to Install Magento 2 on CentOS [Latest] - Sample Data

Vinh Jacker | 12-18-2024

6 Steps to Install Magento 2 on CentOS

You are looking for Install Magento 2 latest version on CentOS from Magento repo or Github with Apache/Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP7.x, this guide is the best place for you. In this post, I will show you how to install Magento 2.3 on CentOS latest with Apache2, MariaDB. In previous posts, I talked about Install Magento 2 on MAC OS, Ubuntu/Debian or Windows.

Magento 2 Requirements

You should double-check 8 main requirements for Magento 2 here.

Step 1: Install Apache2 PHP and Required Extensions

I introduce the IUS Commyni repository for CentOS and Red Hat. It is a shell script to download and install necessary packages and PGP Keys.

curl '' -o
chmod 755

After run above command line, Apache2 and MySQL has been installed.

yum update
yum install httpd php72u php72u-pdo php72u-opcache php72u-xml php72u-mcrypt php72u-gd php72u-devel php72u-mysql php72u-intl php72u-mbstring php72u-json php72u-iconv php72u-mysqlnd php72u-fpm

Step 1.1 Install Apache2 Server

The Apache HTTP Server, called Apache, it is free and open-source cross-platform web server software. Apache is the most popular HTTP Server now. It runs on Linux, Windows, OpenVMS, NetWare and other operating systems.

To install Apache, you should update packages before running Apache install command:

sudo yum update
sudo yum install apache2

Step 1.2 Configure Apache2 Virtual Host

To declear Apache2 site configuration for Magento 2 store, you have to create a new configuration file httpd.conf:

nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Copy and paste the following content to the above file. Remember, you should change to your domain.

<VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerAdmin [email protected]
     DocumentRoot /var/www/magento2/

     <Directory /var/www/magento2/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all

	ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/magento_error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/magento_access.log combined

If you are installing Magento locally, you can change to, or Then you have to update hosts file at /etc/hosts with


In this tutorial, I use

To check Apache new configuration run this command line:

apachectl configtest

After passing configuration test, now reload the configuration:

systemctl reload httpd

To run apache automatically during startup, run the following command line:

systemctl enable httpd
Enable Rewrite mod

Make sure you enable rewrite mod to use site friendly URLs, open file httpd.conf:

nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Find this line:

# LoadModule foo_module modules/
Include conf.modules.d/*.conf

Then add these following files:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

Scroll down find this:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks#
# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
AllowOverride None

Then change AllowOverride None to:

AllowOverride All

After that, reload httpd service:

systemctl reload httpd

Step 1.4: Update php.ini file

Now time to increase values in php.ini file. Open php.ini file:

nano /etc/php.ini

Change the following data:

file_uploads = On
allow_url_fopen = On
short_open_tag = On
memory_limit = 512M
upload_max_filesize = 128M
max_execution_time = 3600

Then save this php.ini file.

After that, you should restart apache2. Run this command:

systemctl restart httpd

Step 2: Install Database Server

To install mySQL Server and Client, run this command line:

sudo yum install mysql-community-server

You’ve just installed MySQL server, now you have to initially setup this database server.

sudo mysql_secure_installation

It prompte and you choose the following option:

Enter current password for root (enter for none): Enter
Set root password? [Y/n]: Y
New password: Type your password
Re-enter new password: Type your password
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n]: Y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n]: Y
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n]:  Y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n]:  Y

Step 3: Create MySQL User (Required)

From Magento 2.3.x, Magento requires a unique user for Magento installation, it cannot default user: root.

First of all, you have to login to MySQL:

sudo mysql -u root -p

Create a new database for Magento 2:


Then create a new user name call: mageplaza


Grant mageplaza user to magento2 database:


Ok, time to flush privileges and exit.


Step 4: Install Composer

Download Composer and install or you can use command line to install Composer

curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

Check Composer installed or not just type:

composer -v


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Composer version 1.8.5 2019-04-09

Magento 2 extensions

Magento 2 extensions

Allow you to achieve more with your online store

Check it out!

Step 5: Download Magento 2 Pack

You can download from one of the folling resources:

After donwload, you should extract the pack to /var/www/html/. E.g you have a folder call: magento2 in /var/www/html/

Set permissions: Run this command

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/magento2/
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/magento2/

Step 6: Install Magento 2

Access to this address, you will get this Magento Setup Wizard as the following:

Running the Magento Setup Wizard

Step 6.3: Start Installing

  • Click Start Readiness Check. If any errors are displayed, you must resolve them before you continue. Click More detail if available to see more information about each check. Readiness Check error
  • Click Next

Step 6.2 Add a Database

Fill database information then click Next

Step 6.3 Web Configuration

  • Enter the following information:
    • Your Store Address:
    • Magento Admin Address: Enter the relative URL by which to access the Magento Admin. e.g: secret, backend
  • Then click Next

Step 6.4. Customize Your Store

  • From the Store Default Time Zone list, click the name of your store’s time zone.
  • From the Store Default Currency list, click the default currency to use in your store.
  • From the Store Default Language list, click the default language to use in your store.
  • Expand Advanced Modules Configuration to optionally enable or disable modules before you install the Magento software.

How to install Magento 2 Magento modules configuration

You can choose install Sample Data or not in this step.

Click Next

Important!: Use Skip dependency check for individual modules with caution. We recommend against it because a typical reason for this error is you manually edited the deployment configuration. Editing the deployment configuration is not recommended because future Magento software updates can undo your changes.

Step 6.5. Create Admin Account

Now enter admin information such as

  • New Username
  • New E-Mail
  • New Password
  • Confirm Password
  • Then click Next

Step 6.6. Install


After completing all previous steps in the Setup Wizard, click Install Now.

Installation Success The message Success will be displayed to indicate a successful installation.

Step 6.7: Check the result

Now go to the frontend and backend to see the result


How to install Magento 2 Frontend


How to install Magento 2 Frontend


    Jacker is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Mageplaza, bringing over 10 years of experience in Magento, Shopify, and other eCommerce platforms. With deep technical expertise, he has led numerous successful projects, optimizing and scaling online stores for global brands. Beyond his work in eCommerce development, he is passionate about running and swimming.

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