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How to Configure Braintree Payment Method in Magento 2

Vinh Jacker | 08-29-2016

Configure Braintree Payment Method

Braintree is a full-stack payment platform that allows your customers to check out by accessing credit and debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Android Pay, Venmo, Bitcoin, and more. With Braintree platform, you can easily accept payment from app or website.

However, Braintree Payment Method can only be used with your store only when Magento Secure Payment Bridge is enabled and configured correctly. What is more, though it is announced that Braintree can be used for all kinds of organization, there are still some types of business that are not supported, and Braintree is only available for merchants from eight countries: United States, Canada, Australia, Europe, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and New Zealand. Therefore, to set the Braintree payment method in your Magento store, you may want to find more details about Braintree and their acceptable use policy at their site before starting the configuration.

In this post, we will guide you through 6 steps to configure the Braintree Payment Method in Magento 2.

6 Steps to Configure Braintree Payment Method in Magento 2, following 6 steps

Step 1: Start the Braintree Payment Method Configuration

  • On the Admin sidebar, choose Stores > Settings > Configuration.
  • In the panel on the left, click Sales > Payment Methods.
  • Click to expand the Braintree section then click on the Configure button to start the configuration.

Braintree Payment Method

Step 2: Set options for Basic Braintree Settings

  • In the Basic Braintree Settings section, go to Braintree Payments to log in or sign up for a new account or click on Click here to log in to your existing Braintree account Or click here to signup for a Braintree account and get your credentials.
  • In the Title field, enter a new title or leave the default of Credit Card (Braintree)”.
  • In the Environment field, set Sandbox to configure in the test environment or set Production when you are ready to go live.
  • In the Payment Action field, select Authorize Only to approve the purchase, but put a hold on the funds to wait for being captured by the merchant or Authorize and Capture to imply that the purchase is already authorized and can be withdrawn from the customer’s account at once.
  • In the Merchant Account ID, Merchant ID, Public Key, and Private Key fields, Enter the credentials from your Braintree account.
  • Set Enable this Solution to Yes to activate Braintree payment method.
  • Set Enable PayPal through Braintree to Yes to include PayPal as a payment option with Braintree.

Magento 2.0

Braintree Payment Method

Magento 2.1

Braintree Payment Method 2.1.5

Step 3: Set options for Advanced Braintree Settings

  • Set Debug to Yes to save a log file of interactions between your store and Braintree.
  • In the Capture action field, choose Invoice to create an invoice when the payment is captured or Shipment to create invoice and shipment record when the payment is captured and change the status of the order to “Authorized”.
  • In the New Order Status field, set Processing or Suspected Fraud.
  • Set Use Vault to Yes to store customer credit card information in the Braintree vault.
  • The Allow Duplicate Cards field is set to No by default. You can change this setting at your discretion.
  • Set CVV Verification to Yes to require customers to provide the 3-digit security code from the back of a credit card. If you want to use CVV verification, make sure to enable AVS and/or CVV in the Settings/Processing section of your Braintree account.
  • In the Credit Card Types list, choose the types of the credit card which are accepted by your store as payment through Braintree.
  • Set Enable Credit Card auto-detection on Storefront to Yes to detect the credit card type when the customer enters the number.
  • Set Advanced Fraud Protection to Yes to apply Braintree fraud protection to transactions. Make sure that Advanced Fraud Protection is enabled in the Settings/Protection section of your account.
  • Set Use Cache to Yes to improve performance by caching some results. Notice that the Magento cache must be is enabled to use the cache with Braintree.
  • In the Sort Order field, enter a number to determine the position of Braintree Payment Method in the list of payment methods that is shown on the checkout page (start from 0).

Magento 2.0

Braintree Payment Method

Magento 2.1

This Magento version updates 2 more configs.

  • Fill in the Vault title.
  • Enter the credentials from your Braintree account into the Merchant Account ID field.


Step 4: Set options for Country Specific Settings

  • In the Payment from Applicable Countries field, choose All Allowed Countries to accept Braintree Payment Method for customers from all countries specified in your store configuration or Specific Countries to approve this payment method for some definite countries which you select from the Payment from Specific Countries list.
  • In the Country Specific Credit Card Types section:
    • Click on the Add button.
    • Select the Country and choose the Allowed Credit Card Type from the list.
    • Repeat to identify the credit cards that are accepted from each country.

Braintree Payment Method

Step 5: Set options for PayPal through Braintree Settings

  • In the Title field, enter a new title or leave the default of PayPal (Braintree) to display Braintree’s payment by PayPal on the checkout page.
  • In the Sort Order field, enter a number to determine the position of Braintree’s payment by PayPal in the list of payment methods that is shown during checkout (start from 0).
  • In the Override Merchant Name field, enter the name as you want it to appear to display your merchant name differently than what is specified in your store configuration.
  • In the Payment Action field, set Authorize to approve the purchase, but put a hold on the funds to wait for being captured by the merchant or Authorize and Capture to imply that the purchase is already authorized and can be withdrawn from the customer’s account at once.
  • In the New Order Status field, set Processing or Suspected Fraud.
  • In the Payment from Applicable Countries field, choose All Allowed Countries to accept Braintree’s payment by PayPal for customers from all countries specified in your store configuration or Specific Countries to approve this payment method for some definite countries which you select from the Payment from Specific Countries list.
  • Set Require Customer’s Billing Address to Yes to require that customers provide a billing address.
  • Set Display on Shopping Cart to Yes to display the PayPal button in the mini shopping cart and on the shopping cart page.
  • Set Allow to Edit Shipping Address Entered During Checkout on PayPal Side to Yes to enable customers to edit the shipping address while completing a PayPal transaction.
  • Set Debug to Yes to save a log file of interactions between your store and PayPal through Braintree.

Magento 2.0

Braintree Payment Method

Magento 2.1

Braintree Payment Method

Step 6: Set options for 3D Verification Settings

  • Set 3d Secure Verification to Yes to add a verification step for customers using credit cards that are enrolled in a verification program such as Verified by VISA.
  • Click the Save Config button in the upper-right corner when you are done.

Magento 2.0

Braintree Payment Method

Magento 2.1

There are 3 more options:

  • Set the Threshold amount.
  • Choose to verify for Applizable Countries or for Specific Countries.

Braintree Payment Method

Step 7: Set options for Dynamic Descriptors

This section is ONLY available in Magento 2.1.

Basically, Dynamic Descriptors is the custom descriptor configured and passed with each transaction via the API. In this section, there are 3 options to fill the Name, Phone and URL of the description.

Braintree Payment Method

Step 8: Set options for Apple Pay (optional)

Follow the steps below to set up Apple Pay in the Magento 2 store:

  • Access your Magento 2 admin panel.

  • Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration


  • Go to Sales > Payment Methods


  • Click on Recommended Solutions

  • Open the Braintree section and click on “Configure “

pay-pal-method* Find Apple Pay through Braintree


  • Enable Apple Pay and enter your Merchant ID from the customer’s account.

  • Set up the customer’s billing address and payment from specific countries and configure other options like Title, Sort Order, and countries.

Essential Tips for Securing & Optimizing PayPal Braintree Payments

Secure customer data

It’s crucial to avoid storing sensitive customer information, such as company details or CVV numbers, in log files or any unprotected storage. Logging such information can lead to security breaches and harm your store’s reputation. Make sure that all interactions between your Magento store and Braintree are secure and that sensitive data is handled according to compliance standards.

Check Braintree configuration

Prior to going live, you need to conduct a thorough test of your Braintree integration on the checkout page. It is necessary to confirm that all payment options, including credit cards, Apple Pay, and PayPal, work properly in a test environment. This crucial step helps identify and fix issues early. Thus, you can reduce the risk of failed transactions and customer dissatisfaction.

Upgrade payment processes

After your Braintree configuration is live, you need to continuously monitor the payment process to ensure it works well. You should regularly check payment data and gather customer feedback to identify trends and issues. Make necessary adjustments to create a secure and user-friendly checkout experience.

The bottom line

The payment method option is one of the reasons that strongly influences customers’ purchase decisions. Hence, a complete solution like Braintree could save you from a headache. The above 6 steps will help you configure the Braintree Payment Method for your online store instantly. If you still need help, contact us for more information. Don’t forget to check other payment method setup guidelines, and we will see you in the next posts!

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    Jacker is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Mageplaza, bringing over 10 years of experience in Magento, Shopify, and other eCommerce platforms. With deep technical expertise, he has led numerous successful projects, optimizing and scaling online stores for global brands. Beyond his work in eCommerce development, he is passionate about running and swimming.

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